
FITNESS CHALLENGE: 100 Push ups a day! 

100 Push ups a day!  Every single day. Not just when you feel like it. Not just once a week. Not just when you have someone watching you. EVERY SINGLE DAY!. That’s the challenge I present to you starting right now! 

In an unforgettable commencement speech the great General Stanley McChrystal spoke about how if you want to change the world wake up everyday and make your bed. His argument was simple. If you wake up every morning and make your bed that one simple task is a task completed and that sense of accomplishment will carry with you for the rest of the day and will in turn spiral into you changing the world... and if you have a crappy day at the very least, you will have accomplished one thing... making your bed.

So I present a similar case to you everyday, and I mean everyday, complete 100 push-ups. It doesn’t have to be the first thing you do in the morning or all in one shot. It can even be done in two sets but set yourself up to change the world 100 push ups at a time.

So take the pledge, make a commitment, set a goal and don’t give up!

“I pledge to do 100 push-ups everyday from this day forward to change myself and in turn change the world!”